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Advent Calendars & Pies  

Advent Calendars

12 for $25

24 for $50



Advent Calendar Order Form

How many days of ice cream would you like? (Select One)
12 Days $25
24 Days $50
Would you like to add a quart of our Peppermint ice cream?
Yes, please (+12.00)
No, Thank you!
12 Scoops$25
24 Scoops$50
Peppermint Ice Cream (Quart)$12

Orders Closed!

Merry Christmas! Thank you to all who ordered!

Pick-up: 11/29-11/30 for 24 Scoops and 12/11 for 12 Scoops.

Pie Order Form

9 Inch Pie with Graham Cracker Crust $25
9 Inch Pie with Chocolate Crust $25
10 Inch Pie with Graham Cracker Crust $25
10 Inch Thanksgiving Day Ice Cream Pumpkin Pie with Graham Cracker Crust$25
9 Inch Peppermint Pie with Chocolate Crust $25

Thanksgiving Day Pumpkin Ice Cream orders need to be submitted before 11/21 and pickup is on 11/26.

Peppermint Pie orders need to be submitted by 11/16 and

pickup is on 11/26.

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